Monica Olano Monica Olano

The Quiet Storm: Unmasking Alcohol's Hidden Threats

Welcome back to the nurturing space of Mommy's New Medicine, where we blend heartfelt conversations with a touch of expert knowledge to guide you through the often tangled garden of lifestyle and wellness choices. In this episode, we've unfurled the intricate vines of alcohol's impact on our health and well-being, guided by the insights of Dr. Austin Baeth—a beacon of wisdom in navigating these murky waters.

Mommy's New Medicine Rethinking Drinking with Dr. Austin Baeth

Rethinking Drinking with Monica Olano and Dr. Austin Baeth

In our quest for wellness, we occasionally stumble upon elements that morph and mutate, influencing our journey in unexpected ways. Alcohol is such a chameleon, subtly integrating itself into our lives while casting long shadows. Dr. Baeth illuminates a startling truth: the age at which we first acquaint ourselves with alcohol can significantly alter our path. The data is compelling—initiation into drinking before the tender age of 15 drastically increases the likelihood of later dependency issues, presenting a sobering call to guard our youth's gates.

A Questionable Approach: The Allure of the Young Mind

The battleground of marketing has evolved, with tactics now encompassing the fertile grounds of young minds, particularly through engaging yet evasive platforms. This strategy not only sows seeds of early alcohol fascination but also poses a profound threat to those carrying the genetic torch of alcohol dependence. The conversation with Dr. Baeth serves as a crucial reminder of the need for early, honest education about the risks of alcohol, stripping away the glamor to reveal the stark realities.

Where Mind Meets Matter: The Complex Dance of Mental Health and Alcohol

Our dialogue ventured into the tangled relationship between mental wellness and alcohol, exploring how conditions like depression and anxiety intertwine with substance use. The genetic thread weaves through this narrative, presenting a labyrinthine challenge yet also offering a glimmer of understanding. This exploration presses upon us the importance of nurturing our mental gardens with care and consciousness.

Treasure Every Moment: The Richness of Informed Living

Dr. Baeth's reflections on time as our most treasured possession resonated deeply, echoing through our discussion on making enlightened choices about alcohol. The conversation veered towards the intriguing possibilities of alternative healing pathways, including cannabis, promising a fascinating delve in episodes to come.

Navigating New Waters: A Shift in Perspective

Our journey through the episode revealed the urgent need for a shift in how we perceive and interact with alcohol, particularly highlighting its veiled influence on women's health and societal norms. Monica's brave share of her transition to a clearer, more present existence was nothing short of inspirational, paving the way for change and offering hope.

Together Towards Tomorrow: A Unified Step Forward

Mommy's New Medicine is not just a podcast; it's a growing circle of souls yearning for deeper health and harmony. With stories like Monica's and the sage advice of Dr. Baeth, we're collectively sewing seeds of change, challenging entrenched beliefs, and embracing new ways of being. From minimizing alcohol to enrich our health to re-evaluating our routines for a fuller life, every action is a step towards collective wellness. Let's hold hands and walk this path of transformation together, embracing each moment as an opportunity for growth and connection.

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Monica Olano Monica Olano

Beyond Mommy Wine Culture: Cannabis Beverages for the Modern Mom

In my latest exploration, I dive deep into why mothers represent a critical yet overlooked demographic in the cannabis industry, particularly in the realm of cannabis beverages. As I navigate through the misconceptions and the stark contrasts between the acceptance of alcohol and the stigma surrounding cannabis use among women, my mission unfolds: to enlighten and shift perspectives. Join me on this journey as we advocate for healthier choices and inclusivity, setting the stage for a pivotal change in how cannabis is perceived and consumed.

Mommy’s New Medicine and Cali Sober Mom, Monica Olano, with cannabis beverages

Whether you call it Cali Sober, or California Sober, I have embraced the often stigmatized title and am ready to get real with others about it. In today's society, the "mommy wine culture" has become a pervasive part of motherhood, often celebrated as a humorous nod to the stress and challenges of raising children. This cultural phenomenon, where alcohol consumption is normalized and even glorified among mothers, overshadows the potential benefits and preferences some may find in healthier alternatives, like cannabis-based beverages. However, despite the growing acceptance and legalization of cannabis in various parts of the world, mothers who choose cannabis face significant stigma and judgment, making them one of the most underserved demographics in the burgeoning cannabis beverage sector.

The stigma surrounding mothers who use cannabis, as highlighted by Business Insider, stems from deep-rooted stereotypes and misconceptions. Mothers using cannabis, whether for medical reasons, stress relief, or simply as a safer alternative to alcohol, often find themselves unfairly judged and labeled as irresponsible. This judgment comes at a time when the effects of alcohol, especially on women, are increasingly documented as harmful. Studies have shown a sharp increase in alcohol use disorder among women, with health implications that are far-reaching and severe.

Elephant Journal delves into the insidious nature of mommy wine culture, illuminating how it trivializes the real and often overwhelming challenges of motherhood. Rather than offering genuine support or acknowledging the untenable circumstances many mothers face, society offers alcohol—a neurotoxic poison—as a solution. This not only undermines the health risks associated with alcohol consumption but also perpetuates a culture where seeking alternative relief methods becomes a source of shame rather than an informed personal choice.

Despite the known risks associated with alcohol, the acceptance of "mommy wine culture" starkly contrasts with the reception of cannabis-using mothers. This disparity highlights a significant gap in the market and societal acceptance. Cannabis beverages, offering a range of benefits from stress relief to medical aid without the hangover or long-term health risks of alcohol, remain largely overlooked as a viable option for mothers. The growing cannabis industry, with its potential for innovation and safer alternatives to alcohol, thus misses out on addressing the needs and preferences of this demographic.

The reluctance to cater to mothers interested in cannabis beverages is a missed opportunity for the industry to challenge and change harmful societal norms. By recognizing and addressing the unique needs and challenges mothers face, the cannabis beverage sector could lead the way in offering healthier, more responsible choices for stress relief and relaxation. Creating a supportive, stigma-free environment for all adults to make informed decisions about their consumption preferences is crucial.

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, there's a pressing need to recognize and serve the underserved demographic of mothers seeking alternatives to alcohol. By advocating for societal change, challenging stereotypes, and providing safe, regulated options, the cannabis beverage sector can help shift the narrative. It's time to move beyond "mommy wine culture" and towards a more inclusive and health-conscious approach to adult beverage consumption.

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Monica Olano Monica Olano

Unmasking the Truth: The Mommy Wine Culture's Hidden Dangers and My Journey towards a Healthier Substitute

Are we really nurturing ourselves with that glass of wine? The all-too-familiar 'mommy wine culture' may offer a temporary laugh, but it's important we peel back the label to reveal its hidden impact. In my latest post, I tackle the tough truths about alcohol dependency among parents and share my own shift to cannabis drinks. It's more than just choosing between beverages; it's about choosing to face our challenges head-on. Join the conversation and discover healthier ways to handle the parenting pressures. Let's aim for thriving, not just surviving.

As a mom, a podcaster, and a recovering ‘wine mom,’ my journey has taken me from the wine-filled trenches of mommyhood to embracing cannabis drinks as a healthier alternative. I’m on a mission to reveal the uncomfortable truth about alcohol and its effects on us and our families.

Mommy wine culture – it’s trendy, it’s funny, it’s relieving, and it’s everywhere. Yet, beneath the amusing memes and wine-themed gifts, there's a darker reality that is often ignored. This culture trivializes serious concerns such as alcohol dependence and the hidden mental health issues that caregivers often harbor.

The term "wine mom" has almost become a badge of honor for those mothers who pour a glass to survive the challenges of parenting. We've come to a point where we almost associate the image of the stressed mom with a glass of wine. But it's essential to ask: are we using wine to mask our struggles instead of addressing them? Are we pretending merrily with a glass, instead of seeking real help?

Indeed, the impact of wine can be heavier than we realize. It inhibits our ability to be fully present for our children and poses safety risks that we may not fully comprehend. Worse, this culture instills lower self-esteem and trust issues in ourselves and our families. It can potentially cultivate long-lasting mental health challenges for our kids.

Overcoming this toxic relationship with alcohol doesn't just mean shoving that cork back in the bottle. It requires acknowledging our underlying mental health needs and exploring ways to address them. It was this realization that steered me away from the alcohol-laden path and onto a healthier alternative of cannabis drinks.

Let me guide you on this journey, sharing resources to help you address 'wine mom' culture and alcohol dependency. We'll explore at-home alcohol treatment programs, moderation techniques, and therapy to ensure we aren't just surviving motherhood, we are thriving in it.

Now, it’s time to unmask this trend and have an open and honest conversation about mommy wine culture. Let's validate the struggles of motherhood, build a supportive community, but also tackle the real issues head-on.

If any of this resonates with you or if you've got your own story to tell, I’m all ears. Drop a comment, send a message—let’s get the conversation rolling. By sharing our experiences and the alternatives that have worked for us, we can shed more light on this issue and support each other in finding healthier ways to cope. It's through our collective stories that we can heal and grow. So, let's chat, let's connect, let's support one another on this journey toward wellness. Together, we’ve got this! 🤗

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Monica Olano Monica Olano

Embracing Authenticity in Our Digital Journey: Finding Strength on the Hard Days

In a world where social media often demands perfection, today was a reminder of the power in embracing our authentic selves, even when it's tough. Sharing my journey on platforms like YouTube has shown me that it's not just about fitting into a polished box. It's about connecting through our real stories, struggles, and triumphs. Today, I share the raw, unfiltered moments that test us but ultimately make us stronger. Join me in embracing the authenticity that truly connects and empowers us, as we navigate the hard days together.

Hey everyone,

Today was tough. Really tough. And it's days like these that remind me of the importance of starting—starting somewhere, anywhere, as long as it's a step forward in this authentic journey we're all on. So, I'm here to share not just the sunshine and rainbows but the storms and clouds too, because it's in those moments we often find our true strength.

Never in a million years did I think I'd find myself posting unfiltered in my pjs on YouTube (here’s the link - you’re welcome), but here I am, believing deeply that this is where I can best share my voice, my struggles, and the transformative journey I've been on. It's not just about me; it's about all of us who are finding our way through the challenges life throws our way, armed with the hope that there are resources and communities out there that can help.

Today's struggle? Feeling like I have to fit into a box, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. I've always known I'm not the "fit in the box" kind of person. I had this realization today while navigating the curated worlds of social media, where everything seems so polished, so goal-oriented, but not always real. It's a tough realization, especially when you're pouring your heart into something you truly believe in.

I've been hyperfocused on growing my podcast, believing that by reaching more people, I could help more people. But the path to growth on these platforms felt misaligned with who I am. It was a rabbit hole of expectations, of trying to conform to a mold that just isn't me. And that realization hit hard.

But here's the thing about hard days: they teach us. They force us to reevaluate, to pivot, and to find new paths that align more closely with our authentic selves. So, I'm pivoting again, turning to mediums that allow me to simply speak to you, to share the raw, unfiltered moments of my journey in hopes that it resonates with someone else out there.

Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Twitter—each platform has its place, but how I use them needs to change. It's about sharing the things that truly matter, the things that have helped me through my journey, in a way that stays true to who I am. No more trying to fit into a box. No more chasing the perfect post for more followers. It's about being real, being me.

And yes, today was rough. From the chaos of early mornings with sick kids to the late nights trying to catch up on work, it's been a day of reflection and realization. But it's also been a day of learning. Learning that it's okay to have tough days, it's okay to admit when things aren't working, and it's crucial to make a plan to move through it.

I've made mistakes, like chasing Instagram growth through services that felt disingenuous. But I've also made decisions to cancel, to delete, and to start fresh in a way that feels right. It's a journey of authenticity, of trying and sometimes failing, but always learning and moving forward.

So, to anyone listening, thank you. Whether you're here for the first time or have been with me from the start, know that this journey we're on is about more than just the destinations we're aiming for. It's about the lessons we learn, the authenticity we embrace, and the resilience we build along the way.

Let's keep starting, keep striving, and keep sharing our true selves, no matter how hard the days might get. Because in the end, it's those authentic moments that truly connect us, heal us, and push us forward.

From stigmas to strengths - we are on this journey together. Just start - whatever that. means for your authentic self.


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Monica Olano Monica Olano

Introduction to THC/CBD Drinks: Understanding the Basics

Dive into the world of THC/CBD drinks with a beginner's guide that simplifies the buzz. Discover the impact of the 2018 Farm Bill, explore the legality and safety of these innovative beverages, and why Crescent Canna's offerings have become a staple in my journey. In "Embarking on a Flavor Journey: Discovering Crescent Canna," you'll get an insider's look at navigating the landscape of cannabis-infused drinks. Join me in exploring the refreshing world of THC/CBD beverages, where curiosity meets satisfaction, perfect for both newcomers and aficionados alike.

Crescent Canna Full Spectrum

Curious about THC/CBD drinks but not sure where to start? Before we dive into the basics, make sure to check out my favorite product guide, High Sips. I'll be tasting and testing all the products out there, so you can easily pick your favorites without having to sift through all the noise.

THC and CBD are the stars of the cannabis scene, each bringing something unique to the table: THC for that signature high and CBD for relaxation without the psychoactive effects. These compounds are now popping up in drinks, offering a fun and simple way to enjoy cannabis without smoking.

The 2018 Farm Bill was a game-changer, making hemp-derived CBD products legal on a federal level and paving the way for THC/CBD infused beverages. But this new freedom brings up loads of questions: What's actually legal? Can these drinks get you high? Are they safe?

Here's the scoop: THC/CBD drinks are designed to fit into your life legally and safely, whether you're looking for a buzz similar to alcohol or just want to relax with a CBD seltzer. There's a whole range of products to explore, each offering a different experience.

But diving into something new can be overwhelming, which is why I'm here. This guide is your introduction to everything THC/CBD drinks, breaking down the what, why, and how of these trendy beverages. And if you still have questions after reading, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Let's turn this into a conversation. Ready to jump in? Let’s get started.

The ABCs of THC/CBD Drinks

Navigating the world of THC/CBD drinks doesn't have to be a maze. At their core, these beverages are about infusing the properties of cannabis—specifically THC and CBD—into drinkable forms. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, giving you that euphoric feeling, while CBD (Cannabidiol) offers a soothing effect without the high.

Why drinks, you might ask? Convenience and enjoyment. No need for special equipment or the smoke that comes with traditional methods. These drinks range from sparkling waters and sodas to teas and beers, offering a familiar and discreet way to enjoy cannabis's benefits. Plus, they're a hit for social gatherings or solo chill sessions, fitting seamlessly into various lifestyles and preferences.

Navigating Legality and Safety

"Are THC/CBD drinks legal?" The short answer: It's complicated but optimistic. The 2018 Farm Bill was indeed a landmark moment, legalizing hemp-derived CBD nationwide, provided it contains less than 0.3% THC. This means that, federally, CBD drinks are on the clear side of the law. THC drinks, however, navigate a trickier landscape, as their legality can vary by state, especially concerning concentrations and whether the THC is derived from marijuana or hemp.

And safety? Here's where it gets reassuring. Legal THC/CBD drinks undergo rigorous testing for potency and purity, ensuring you're consuming a quality product. Manufacturers are now prioritizing transparency, with many providing lab results right on their packaging or websites. This level of diligence means you can enjoy these beverages knowing exactly what you're putting into your body.

But remember, the world of cannabis is still evolving. Regulations can change, and what's available or legal in one state may not be in another. Always check your local laws and consider how these drinks fit into your lifestyle, especially if you're new to cannabis.

Ready to explore further? Dive into the variety, pick your potion, and enjoy the journey. And remember, I'm here to guide you through, from deciphering labels to choosing the right drink for your vibe. Let's raise a glass to discovery and enjoy the ride responsibly.

Embarking on a Flavor Journey: Discovering Crescent Canna with MOMMYS25

As we wrap up our exploration of THC/CBD drinks, I'm excited to share a bit more about Crescent Canna, a brand that has become a staple in my journey and my fridge since April 2023. Their dedication to quality, legality, and the consumer experience has not only impressed me but also made their products a regular part of my relaxation routine.

Crescent Canna's journey into the world of cannabis-infused beverages stands out for their unwavering commitment to offering federally legal, hemp-derived options. This means you can enjoy their range of THC/CBD drinks with the peace of mind that comes from knowing they adhere to strict legal standards. It's a testament to their role as pioneers in the industry, ensuring their customers can indulge in their products responsibly and safely.

For those of you ready to discover the exceptional offerings from Crescent Canna, I'm thrilled to provide an added incentive. When you visit my "High Sips" page to explore my curated selections, be sure to use the discount code MOMMYS25. This code will unlock a special deal on your purchase, allowing you to experience the quality and enjoyment of Crescent Canna's products at an exclusive price.

Reflecting on my journey since April 2023, Crescent Canna's beverages were the first I tried in the realm of THC/CBD drinks, and they continue to be a go-to choice for me. Their presence in my fridge is a constant reminder of the delightful experiences and the journey of discovery they've enabled me to embark upon.

So, as we conclude, whether you're new to cannabis beverages or looking to expand your repertoire, Crescent Canna offers a range of products that cater to diverse preferences and occasions. There's never been a better time to explore and enjoy the innovative and satisfying options available. Here's to your own journey of discovery and the many enjoyable moments ahead with Crescent Canna. Cheers!

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Monica Olano Monica Olano

From Surviving to Thriving: My Journey to Mommy’s New Medicine

Discover the raw, transformative journey behind Mommy's New Medicine in my latest blog post. Dive into my personal story of overcoming postpartum depression, embracing sobriety, and tackling ADHD, which led me to launch this unique podcast. Join me on a path from chaos to clarity, where every challenge is a stepping stone to empowerment and growth.

Welcome to Mommy's New Medicine! I'm Monica, and you're probably thinking, "Why on earth is she doing a podcast? She's not a doctor!" Well, that's exactly the point. This blog and accompanying podcast are my playground for discussing the complexities of sobriety, parenting, mental health, technology, and yes, cannabis wellness. I'm not here to be an expert, but as a fellow traveler on life's journey, sharing my experiences, learnings, and the unique ways we can all find strength in our challenges. Let's dive into this adventure together and discover where it takes us!

My path to starting Mommy's New Medicine was anything but straightforward. It was a journey marked by profound challenges and pivotal transformations. Leaving the corporate world after the birth of my first daughter was just the beginning. The real turning point came with the birth of my twins, a time that brought unimaginable challenges and complexities, both for me and Baby B.

That first year was a whirlwind of emotions, from intense love to deep anguish as we navigated complicated medical issues and my own battle with postpartum depression and anxiety. Fortunately, I wasn't alone. With a support system that recognized the signs and pushed me to seek help, I began a journey of healing that led me to therapy and sobriety.

It was during this healing process that a long-missed diagnosis came to light – ADHD, a condition I had unknowingly lived with since childhood. This revelation was a key piece in understanding my life's puzzle. It explained so much of my past and opened a new path for my future.

Mommy's New Medicine emerged from these experiences. It's more than just a podcast; it's a platform for sharing my story and connecting with others who may be on similar paths. It's about turning our struggles into strengths, embracing change, and supporting each other, one honest story at a time.

The road to recovery and self-discovery was not easy. Therapy sessions became my refuge, providing clarity and understanding. It was here that I found the courage to confront my reliance on alcohol. Sobriety wasn't just a choice; it was a necessity for me to be the best version of myself, for my children and for me.

As I navigated the complexities of sobriety, I found a surprising ally in cannabis, specifically THC seltzers. This was not about replacing one habit with another; it was about finding a balance, a way to cope that didn't cloud my mind but instead offered me a clearer perspective.

The journey through therapy also unearthed the undiagnosed ADHD. This revelation was both a shock and a relief. It explained so much about my past behaviors, struggles, and coping mechanisms. Understanding this aspect of myself was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle.

As I pieced together these parts of my life, I realized that my experiences, struggles, and victories could resonate with others. Mommy's New Medicine became the channel for this realization. It's a platform where I can share not just my story but also the stories of many others who are navigating similar paths.

The podcast is more than just a collection of episodes; it's a community. It's a space where we can have honest conversations about parenting, mental health, the ups and downs of life, and the role of technology and cannabis in our modern world. Each episode is a step towards breaking stigmas, sharing knowledge, and building a network of support and understanding.

As you join me on this journey, I invite you to share your stories, your struggles, and your victories. Together, we can learn, grow, and transform our challenges into our greatest strengths. "Mommy's New Medicine" is not just my journey; it's our journey. Welcome aboard.

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